Day 5: Teach your child to be gritty
Day 5: Reflection and Perseverance
Although we are on the final day of the grit challenge, we are still at the beginning of our journey. Building grit in your child takes time. As I mentioned early, developing a gritty attitude in your child will require years of practice. You can feel confident that now you have strategies to help your child be gritty.
Today we are going to look at reflection and perseverance.
Day 5 Video
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Day 5: Reflection (Perseverance)
A HUGE part of the learning process is taking time to reflect. Help your child learn to reflect on what went right, what went wrong, and how he could improve for next time.
When young kids are taught how to reflect on their own learning, they are being set up for success. By reflecting, a child learns how to improve and how to keep trying when faced with challenges.
- You should not wait for the final end product to start reflecting. Instead, I suggest encouraging reflection all throughout the learning process. As your child works through their plan, have them reflect on what they are doing.
- If something is not working, they may need to change the plan. That is okay.
Action Step:
- Download the Daily Download: Reflection Questions Cheat Sheet and use it to ask your child reflection questions as they work through a challenging process.
- Want to get the entire 5-Day Grit Challenge? Sign up today!